Master of Professional Studies

Student studying in Meyer Library.

Discover a different kind of master’s degree

The Master of Professional Studies (MPS) gives you hands-on skills and knowledge specific to your field.

You can tailor this degree for your needs – and it only takes 33 credit hours to complete.

Made for the working pro, the MPS is flexible, broad and helps you further your career.


You are encouraged to schedule an appointment to meet with Warren Frerichs, Assistant Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs, for any reason. Current students must meet with Mr. Frerichs before they can register for classes for the following semester. Current and prospective students are welcome to meet with him with any questions and concerns.

Schedule appointment

Focus areas

Specialize in one of our focus areas when completing your Master of Professional Studies.

Focus area
Build the traits of an effective communicator and leader.
Student seated at a computer.
Focus area
Use data to improve economic policies and decision-making.
Focus area
Respond to a variety of conflict situations.
Focus area
Take the lead in safeguarding the environment.
Focus area
Enhance your management style and advance your career in hospitality.
Focus area
Shine brighter and advance your standing in the film or entertainment industry.
Focus area
Turn your passion for sports into a career.
A student using his laptop while sitting in a campus courtyard.
Focus area
Need something more tailored? Customize your degree to fit your needs.

What makes the MPS unique?

Compare the MPS to traditional master's programs
The MPS Traditional master's programs
Multiple course options. Less course flexibility.
Career-focused instructors. Research-focused instructors.
For working professionals. For full-time students.
Concludes with practical project, such as an internship. Concludes with a thesis or research project.